Faith Formation Classes

All grade levels meet every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall from 9:30-10:45 pm.  

K-5 Faith Formation

Children are a gift, they are a gift: understood? Children are a gift. Each one is unique and irreplaceable; and at the same time unmistakably linked to his/her roots. In fact, according to God’s plan, being son and daughter means to carry within oneself the memory and hope of a love which was fulfilled in the very kindling of the life of another, original and new, human being. 



Wednesday, 11 February 2015

If you would like to read more about the Pope's words about the family, please click here.

The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart has a hands on Catechetical program that is accommodating to all children.  Every child is unique and a special gift from God.  We are here to love and teach all children according to their ability learn and love their neighbor.  Our mission is to "increase the kingdom of God one child at a time".

Middle School Faith Formation

He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, they that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.

Isaiah 40: 29 – 31

The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart's Faith Formation program for middle school aged youth (grades 6-8) focuses on their faith, community building and strength that can be gained from forming lasting relationships with God and neighbor.  There is an emphasis on increasing a Christ-centered relationship within our classroom and community.  With the partnership of the catechists and parents, our youth are able to focus on the importance of God in their lives. 

High School Faith Formation 

Pope Francis encourages our young people to be courageous: “Do not be discouraged: Let yourselves be guided by the love of the Gospel, which is the spring of all change and which urges us to enter into the wounds of history and rise again.”  Pope Francis 2021

Quinceañera History

Since the dawn of time, people of all cultures and eras have celebrated the coming of age of their children. The origin of the quinceañera is not very clear. It is linked to ancient Aztecs rites of passage, around 500 B.C. At fifteen, boys were inducted as warriors, while girls were honored for their capacity to give new warriors to the community. The future of the tribe depended on them. It is said that during the ceremony, the King himself would instruct the fifteen-year-old Aztec girl in the duties of womanhood. An Aztec woman who happened to die in childbirth received the same honors at her funeral as a warrior who had fallen in battle. With the Spanish conquest, the tradition was Christianized and the quinceañera evolved into a rite of social initiation intended to teach and reinforce important Christian values.Today, a quinceañera is a celebration of thanksgiving for a young girl's life and her passage into womanhood. Her parents, relatives, and friends ask God to pour his blessings and protection upon her as she matures into a young woman. The celebration is not a sacrament. The Quinceañera mass is an act of thanksgiving for Life and Faith, crowned by God’s blessing. It is an opportunity for the young girl to consolidate her commitment to her faith.   (

Quinceañera Preparation

Classes are every other Friday at 2:00 pm in our Fellowship Hall.   The quinceañera classes are a three part series which include 

1.  The history of quinceanera and where are we now.  

2.  The seven Sacraments and their meaning.

3.  What is Jesus and Mary asking of me?

The candidate must complete
Registration Form

Submit a copy of your baptismal certificate

Attend all three classes

Fr. Derrek's Bible Study

Come join us in a reshowing of the Chosen, Seasons 1 & 2. We will begin on Thursday, September 1, at 6:00 p.m. each episode is about 45-50 minutes long. We will follow each episode with some conversation and reflection. If you have not experienced this hit series, please come. And if you have seen it, come and relive the experience of Christ's invitation to follow him.